Friday, November 22, 2013

Photo of the Week 15

Photograph by Charles Fréger, National Geographic

This picture was taken by Charles Fr
éger in India. I really like this picture because it looks like the elephant is posing for the picture and the artwork done on its skin makes it look very interesting. I like the clear sky as a background and how it is similar to the elephant's color because of the paint. I like the stars on the elephant and how natural the picture looks.

Portrait Pictures

This project was about portrait pictures. Taking portrait pictures is so much fun because when you are taking them you are supposed to show the person's personality in a picture. Portraits pictures are often in black and white and they show people's faces and sometimes whole bodies. In portrait pictures there can also be more than one person.

The best way to show someone's personality through a picture is to take pictures of them when they don't know they are being photographed, showing what they are doing in the moment instead of showing what they want people to think they were doing. They also look how they normally look like instead of smiling and/or looking their best, showing who they really are.

Friday, November 15, 2013


This project was fun to do. In this project we had to take pictures of reflections. I learned you can find reflections in many things, from water to doorknobs. Taking pictures of reflections is hard because sometimes the camera itself gets reflected in the picture you want to get making it hard to get a picture without your camera (or you) in it. This project was challenging, but I enjoyed taking pictures at home and not only at Horizon.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Photo of The Week 14

Picture of an eastern screech owl in the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia

Photograph by Aaron Huey, National Geographic

The photograph's name is "Eastern Screech Owl, Georgia". It was taken by Aaron Huey in Okefenokee Swamp,U.S.A. I love how the owl camouflages in the tree and how the colors blend perfectly. I like the look the owl is giving, it is very cool. I also like the texture of the tree.

Photo of The Week 13

Picture of a fireworks display over a river in China
Photograph by Andrew Crane, National Geographic

This picture was taken on the east of the Xiangjiang, in China. It was taken by Andrew Crane. The color of this scenery is amazing, I also love the boats in the water, and the people taking pictures on the bottom of the picture. I also like the amount of fireworks in the sky and how luminous they are.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Forced Perspective...Forced indeed

Forced Perspective
This project was about "Forced Perspective". In forced perspective you make things look bigger, smaller, and whatever than how it is in reality. This project was surprisingly hard. Trying to get things into place and arguing talking with your partners is no fun at all. The outcomes are funny though.

To force perspective you have to move the camera in a certain angle. You also have to "build" your picture. By being far, or near, you can make things and/or people look different sizes. Including props and people willing to pose will make of your pictures THE BEST.

In overall, this was a bittersweet project and I will admire and respect people who take amazing forced perspective pictures FOREVER.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Viewing like the Viewer

Bird's Eye View

Eye Level

Worm's Eye View

This my first photography project ever. It was fun, and a little challenging. The hardest pictures to get were the Bird's eye view since I could never be high enough to take a picture of...anything.

The easier pictures were the worm's eye view. Horizon has a lot of tall trees, so it was very easy. To get bird's eye view I had to take pictures from above. To get worm's eye view pictures I had to take pictures from below.

To get eye level pictures I had to take pictures from eye level. I learned several thing in this project. Using different angles, even if you're using the same view, can change the whole picture.