Monday, November 4, 2013

Viewing like the Viewer

Bird's Eye View

Eye Level

Worm's Eye View

This my first photography project ever. It was fun, and a little challenging. The hardest pictures to get were the Bird's eye view since I could never be high enough to take a picture of...anything.

The easier pictures were the worm's eye view. Horizon has a lot of tall trees, so it was very easy. To get bird's eye view I had to take pictures from above. To get worm's eye view pictures I had to take pictures from below.

To get eye level pictures I had to take pictures from eye level. I learned several thing in this project. Using different angles, even if you're using the same view, can change the whole picture.


  1. I really enjoy the third to last one I like the color of the leaves and the reflection of the sun.

  2. My favorite is the basketball hoop and the last photo. The colors and contrast look really nice.
